I don’t have a MLIS (yet), how can I lead?

Dear Everyday Librarians, I don't have the MLIS and I can't afford to go back to school right now, how do I contribute and take on leadership roles? From, Hopeful MLIS Student. Dear Hopeful MLIS Student, Let’s first dispel with the myth that an MLIS grants one superpowers. No one gives you a scepter and … Continue reading I don’t have a MLIS (yet), how can I lead?

What’s This all About?

Dear Everyday Librarians: What’s this all about? Asking for a Friend Dear Friend: Welcome to Everyday Librarians and thanks for asking that question. You might know us as the former ILEAD team that developed Robot Test Kitchen. For a team that was randomly formed by email, we found we really like each other and work … Continue reading What’s This all About?

Coming Soon

Pardon our dust. The folks at Robot Test Kitchen are trying something new. Soon Robottestkitchen.com will become Everydaylibrarians.com. We'll be focusing on the everyday stuff and problem solving, together. In the meantime, follow us on Twitter @DearLibrarians Or send us an email: askaquestion@everydaylibrarians.com